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MAKELINK linkname filename [SOFT]

OS2.0+ only !
* Makelink creates a Hardlink or Softlink to the file or directory
  "filename". "linkname" must be a filename, that does not exist yet.
  You can use links like the file/directory itself, but they need nearly
  no additional diskspace. In most cases you would use Hardlinks.
* If you delete a file a Hardlink is linked to, the Hardlink will become
  the file itself. Hardlinks cannnot work accross devices, use Softlinks
  for that. (Hardlinks are resolved by the filesystem.)
* Softlinks are links to a path, that is checked every time when accessed,
  so a link to DF0: depends on the disk inserted in DF0: .
  (Softlinks are resolved by AmigaDOS)
  I wonder why Softlinks are not supported by the commands in the C:
  directory even of Workbench 3.0 ? A bit old fashioned !

!WARNING: To delete (hard- or soft-)links you have to use  wild cards  !
!  So instead of "delete c:linkname" use with OS1.3- "delete c:linkname|"
!  and with OS2.0+ "delete c:(linkname)".

eg.     makelink muchmore ppmore
        makelink sys:commands c:
        makelink readme df0:readme soft  {so with "more readme" you will
    see the readme-file on the disk currently inserted into DF0: }